It's effect let's you summon a fairy monster and turn it into an effectless 4000 ATK beater.

Sephylon is a 4000 ATK juggernaut that can be summoned easily by having 10 monsters in the graveyard, which can be done pretty easily in a deck dedicated to it. It just looks boring and generic overall. The chest showing the reflection of a wise old man looks.well, not very cool when you can´t stop thinking of it being an astronaut helmet. His lower body looks like a dildo, while it's arms and higher body, while really cool looking, don't give me anything remotely similar to the feeling that I´m staring at a god, unlike Gen 3's Nordic Gods (That I hopefully will cover later) or even the Signer Dragons Divine Forms. What better enemy for season 3's flanderized Godsei than God himself? As a Catholic man, I can only hope He doesn't look this lame. So! Sephylon is a level 10, LIGHT, Fairy-Type Effect monster clearly based on the Sephiroth tree and is meant to represent the Jewish/Christian God "Jehovah".
#Kite tenjo summons galaxy eyes cipher dragon english full#
Turned evil because people realized he was full of bullshit but then they all died so he traveled back in time to prevent Synchros from being cool Underwent plastic surgery to look like Yusei and inspire the people of the future to fight against the evil the overuse of Synchros Unleashed.And then Z-One is a Yusei fanboy from the future who

for Japanese audiences the main villain reveals himself to be.Yusei.

The show ends for American audiences as they also skipped the final battle here. In 5D's season 3, an evil entity sends his minions to destroy all Synchro Cards, deeming them the cause of the world being destroyed in the future (joke's on HIM, the real culprits were clearly Link cards.) Three defeated minions and a cool crossover to the defeat the 4th later. Probably the least serious review I´ll make, that's how boring this card and character is.