Supreme commander forged alliance forever
Supreme commander forged alliance forever

supreme commander forged alliance forever

Narrative plays out in StarCraft-like talking head sequences between missions, and during missions you'll get brief cutscenes and voiced pop-up messages from characters important to the plot. The largely disposable story kicks off with the UEF, Cybran, and Aeon banded together to fight off the menace of the Seraphim. Let's not forget to mention the single-player campaign, which has also gone through some restructuring. The reworked interface takes up far less of the battlefield and is much less of a distraction. Sure it kept all the necessary functions within easy reach, but there was an abundance of unused black space.

supreme commander forged alliance forever

If you remember, the interface took up nearly a third of the screen in SupCom's first release. The interface, however, will make acclimating yourself to the dense RTS mechanics more manageable.

supreme commander forged alliance forever

It has a different feel to it, but it still turns a frigid shoulder to the uninitiated, warming only after a significant donation of time. If you couldn't stand Supreme Commander, nothing about Forged Alliance's gameplay is going to change your mind. Just to be clear, such changes in no way makes the game more accessible. Instead of having to baby-sit boats while battle rages on five different fronts, you can divert your attention to critical areas of the map with less of a nagging itch to double-check your orders are properly being carried out. With naval units, the change makes a noticeable difference in the flow of gameplay. Now, as soon as the order is issued, the units turn and move more or less directly to their destination. Only after a laborious, blatantly indirect journey would the units arrive at their destination. Before, when issuing formation-move order to groups of units, particularly naval units, they'd veer off in all sorts of odd directions.

supreme commander forged alliance forever

Unit pathing seems to have been greatly improved as well. They also have far greater armor, offensive power and range than most other land units, making them a much more formidable unit, perhaps too much so. Destroyers are amphibious, capable of sprouting legs and taking off across land. While that's certainly useful if you're playing as Cybran, we can't imagine it being very enjoyable for the opposition. Compared to their lethargic locomotion in the first SupCom, these things have been sped up to the point where they rival some of the heavier land units. Returning units have been tweaked too, the most notable change we saw being the increased movement speed of the Cybran T2 destroyers. Units have been added in as well, including the Aeon's T3 rapid-fire artillery structure, a T1 gunship and auto-assist engineering suite for the Cybran, and a UEF T3 air transport. Along with many unit types, static defensive capabilities differ across factions, like the T3 torpedo ambush system unique to the Cybran Nation, or the T3 point defense only accessible by the UEF. Their T3 land unit selection includes a mobile shield generator, something the UEF and Aeon get a lesser version of at T2, and the Cybran don't get at all, as they have a T2 mobile stealth field system in its place. But it's not just in the experimental tier that make the Seraphim stand out. The Seraphim get some interesting experimental units, including a mammoth bomber plane that, in groups, will utterly annihilate any base with devastating explosive charges. This lets you access the distinct characteristics built into each faction more easily, which is a welcome change. With more rapid build times on some of the experimental units, you can now (again, assuming your resource rates are well-managed) have six or so spiderbots up and running within a relatively brief period of time. If you played SupCom when it first came out, you'll likely remember checking the build timer on your Cybran spiderbot (which no longer tramples friendly units) or Aeon colossus and realizing you could go make a sandwich and watch an episode of 30 Rock before the thing would be ready. Once you've stabilized your economy, which is still a significant part of the game, you can crank out some of the experimental units much more quickly in Forged Alliance.

Supreme commander forged alliance forever